It was first manufactured in 1907 and was chambered in. The novel was published in 1953, but the Police Positive was already an old and unpopular revolver design by that time. Ian Fleming actually owned one of these pistols, although his had a full-length barrel. The very first handgun mentioned in the first James Bond novel, “Casino Royale”, is the “.38 Colt Police Positive with the sawn barrel”, kept under Bond’s pillow. Not everyone need be as obsessed with accuracy as I am! Bond’s Revolvers When questioned regarding some inaccuracies regarding Bond’s weapons, he is reported to have said, “Quite honestly, the whole question of expertise in these matters bores me.” So, I’ll try not to be too great a nitpicker on this topic, since Fleming was otherwise a great writer and fantastic story teller. However, one thing that needs to immediately be acknowledged about Ian Fleming is that he had very little interest in firearms. If this is well received, I might do the same for the firearms used in the movies. Accordingly, I decided to write this article discussing the various firearms used by Bond in the Fleming novels. Firearms and weapons tactics are something of specialty for me, so I have great interest in the weapons used by James Bond.