I recommend against installing any Canon software in the first place, unless you have a very strong reason to do so. It was a great citizen that coexisted nicely with other camera control apps for years, but recent versions started to do naughty things.

I already wrote about how to prevent Apple’s Photos from automatically launching when you connect a camera (you can find a longer version in my Kuuvik Capture Inside Out eBook). To make things worse, Apple had removed the ability to detect such an interference in macOS 10.12, and thus we are unable to pinpoint culprits the way we did in the past. This arrogant behavior frustrates the hell out of me – imagine solving a user’s problem when he has a pile of these apps on his machine… This isn’t new, this behavior is present from the dawn of the EOS system.Īnd yet large manufacturers are routinely caught red handed, keeping a connection to your camera when no one asked. They don’t even give a beep, just silently start operating erratically. Canon EOS cameras do not tolerate when more than one app tries to talk to them over USB.